Things you shouldn't be paying for


Do not waste your money and energy on things you could get for free:

Computer Software – OpenOffice is the open-source alternative to your basic computer software you use every day. It's absolutely free and files can be exported in compatible formats.

Credit Card – Get a credit card without annual fee.

Your Credit Report - Sign up for one of the free credit monitoring services online. Alternatively, visit, to see your credit reports for free once a year.

Cell Phone – If the service plan is expensive, it doesn’t mean you have to pay for the phone as well. Most major carriers will give you a free phone, with a one or two-year contract.

Coffee - Make your coffee at home and save a little fortune!

Food - If you know how to garden, grow your own food.

Water – Why would you spend $1 for every bottle of water you drink if you have tap, filters, and reusable water bottles?

The News – Save on a daily basis and read your favorite news online.

Pets – Do you really have to buy one? Visit your local animal shelter and make at least one pet happy - adopt it for free!

Books – Do not buy books, rent books for free at your local library. Alternatively, visit and find your books there.

Shipping - If you like to buy online, then look for coupons or promotion codes that offer free shipping, or visit

Exercise – You don't have to spend a dime for a gym membership. Visit your local park for a walk or run. Do basic push-up and sit-up programs at home. Download a workout program online for free!

Can you think of any other things you should be getting for free?
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